
Caravanning can be a fun and relaxing way to travel, but it’s important to remember that you’ll be living in your caravan for the duration of the trip. This means that you’ll need to pack everything you need to make your trip comfortable.

Quick navigation

  • Car & Caravan Loading
  • What to Pack for Your Caravan Trip
    • Short Local Trips
    • Long Trips (and Off the Beaten Tracks)
    • Optional Items to Consider Packing for Your Caravan Trip
  • How to Pack Your Caravan for Your trip: Tips & Tricks

Car & Caravan Loading

Before getting into the nitty gritty of what you want to take versus what you need to take, you must first consider loading. Why? Because your life and the safety of those travelling with you depend on it. Really you should consider loading before you even buy the caravan and the car. Without getting to technical you need to know your limits of both the caravan and the towing vehicle. It is also not just about how much you load but where you load it. Packing is what you do in the car and the caravan. If you get this wrong then the whole towing unit will not be stable. It may seem okay as you drive out of the city, but once you hit the country roads, it could all turn bad.

Step 1: Know You Towing Vehicles Limits

When you add 2 adults, 3 kids, the dog, 5 bikes, 2 kayaks, clothes, food, toys, etc etc etc etc. They all reduce your towing capacity and they also lower the rear of your vehicle and the height of your tow ball. They will also affect your vehicle’s ability to apply power when you need it.

Step 2: Know Your Caravan and Braking Limits

Your caravan manufacturer will have designed the weight capacity and weight distribution to ensure safe towing with a fit-for-purpose towing vehicle, with an approved braking system. Every time you add a load or a new accessory, you change this. If the changes you make take the weight of the tow coupling outside of the manufacturer’s specifications then you could be in trouble or your caravan may become unstable. Similarly, if you overload then you could have a number of issues such as:

  • Not enough braking capacity
  • Suspension failure
  • Unstableness
  • Increased wear & tear


Yes, it may feel okay driving out of the city, but what happens when you are going down that steep hill and a wind gust hits you or you get into B-double turbulence?

Now I know that the slick salesman sold you a weight distribution system and anti-sway brakes so you can ignore everything about safe loading… Good luck with that. Make sure to go back and let them know how well it worked after you have finished with your insurance claim.

What to Pack for Your Caravan Trip

The first thing to think about is what kind of caravan trip you’re taking. If you’re just driving around locally, you’ll need different things than if you’re going on a long camping trip. Make sure you have everything you need for your specific journey. Think about the conditions and facilities you will encounter along the way.

Short Local Trips

When planning a short local caravan trip, it’s important to pack the right items, but no need to overpack. Here is a list of some essential items to bring with you on your trip.

  • Sleeping bags and pillows
  • Basic cooking ingredients such as salt, pepper, oil, etc.
  • Dishes and cutlery (plates, bowls, cups, mugs, knives and forks)
  • Portable BBQ and charcoal/firewood
  • Torchlight or a headlamp
  • First aid kit
  • Insect repellent and sunscreen
  • Toiletries such as hand sanitiser, toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Warm clothes & wet weather gear

Long Trips (and Off the Beaten Track)

When going on a long caravan trip, it’s important to pack the necessary supplies. These are just a few items that you may want to consider packing for your next camping caravan trip.

  • Additional camping gear such as tents, sleeping bags, and air mattresses.
    Food and drinks
  • Emergency and First aid kit
  • Toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, hair brush, shampoo, hand cleaner, and towel)
  • Insect repellent
  • Cooking supplies, make sure to bring a camp stove, pots, pans, plates, and utensils.
  • Flashlight or headlamp
  • Camping Chairs and Table
  • A full emergency jerry can of fuel for your vehicle
  • At least 2 full jerry cans of water
  • Spare wheel, plus an extra
  • Spare parts
  • Toolkit

You might also want to take a camera so that you can capture the beautiful scenery.

If you’re travelling with children, don’t forget to pack games and toys to keep them amused. -kids can easily get bored.

And for every caravan trip, you’ll need a good multi-tool. This should have a variety of different tools, such as screwdrivers, pliers and knives, so you can handle most repairs. Make sure the tool is sturdy and well-made, so it won’t break when you need it most.

You’ll also need a few basic tools, such as wrenches and sockets. These can help you fix common caravan problems, like loose screws or bolts. It’s also a good idea to carry a few spare parts, such as lightbulbs and fuses, in case something goes wrong.

If you are travelling in a convoy, pre-plan and allocate each member of the convey items, so as to share the load.

Optional items to consider packing for your caravan trip

If you’re still within your load limits, some other items you may want to consider packing for your caravan trip include:

  • a portable generator in case you lose power
  • a water filter in case you run out of drinking water
  • a canopy or tarp to provide shade
  • a clothesline and pegs to dry clothes

And finally, don’t forget to pack your sense of adventure!

How to Pack Your Caravan for Your trip: Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips on how to pack your caravan for your trip:

  • Know how much you can load.
  • Have a plan on where to load different items to maintain load balance.
  • Start by packing the essentials: food, water, clothing, and bedding.
  • Make sure to pack everything you’ll need for your trip, including tools, spare parts, and maps.
  • Be careful not to overload your caravan; too much weight can lead to instability and accidents.
  • Pack your belongings carefully, making sure they’re secure and won’t move around while you’re driving.
  • Lastly, always plan ahead and make sure you have everything you need before you set off on your trip.

Ready To Hit The Road?

Whether you’re caravanning across your own country or venturing abroad, make sure you’re prepared for the journey ahead. So what are you waiting for? If you’re excited to hit the road and explore all that nature has to offer, use this information as a starting point and get ready for an amazing trip. If you are considering buying a caravan, take to as many people who own and tow caravans as you can before you talk to the salespeople.